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A commitment to African development and transformation...

The WCA Commitment envisions healthy, educated, responsible adolescents and young people who are actors in the development of their families, communities, and countries. It addresses early and unintended pregnancies, child marriages, STI and HIV infections, psychoactive substances, sexual and gender-based violence, and gender disparities in education that have a devastating impact on the region's economic and social development.

Based on recommendations from 18 countries and one regional consultations, building on the data and evidence on  the situation of adolescent and young people in WCA and inspired by the results and effects of similar commitments in other regions, the Commitment is expected to lead to significant impact in countries:

  • Increased mobilisation of resources and actors for education and health programmes that meet the needs of adolescents and young people
  • Scaling up of these programs
  • Improved coordination between education and health, and among stakeholders in general
  • Monitoring progress on sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and protection from violence through education and health programmes.

situation analysis


"We, the Ministers of Education and Health of West and Central Africa (WCA), meeting in Kintélé, on 6 April 2023, have agreed on the proclamation of the commitment to educated, healthy and thriving adolescents and young people."

The full text, that was endorsed by the ministers of health and education from 25 countries (Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo), can be downloaded below.

situation analysis


Get to know us better and learn about how we work.

Technical Working Group

The Technical Working Group (TWG) is composed of technical staff from the UN Regional Team working on youth, AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, Gender and Education, regional NGOs, RECs, bilateral cooperations, and young people in the AOC region. The TWG compiles data and reports, launches consultations, compiles recommendations at regional level, and is also responsible for the accountability framework and monitoring of the effective implementation of the WCA Commitment.The High Level Committee

High Level Committee

The High Level Committee (HLC) is made up of high-level political figures, regional directors, experts, young people, and opinion leaders on comprehensive information and education, sexual and reproductive health, gender and education. The HLC guides the commitment process and provides high-level political support for its preparation, approval and implementation.

The Youth Community of the WCA Commitment

The Youth Community was created by NGOs and UN organizations in the summer of 2022.In particular, these committed young people helped support the process leading up to the proclamation of the WCA Commitment, as well as the implementation of the communication and advocacy campaign entitled "Education Saves Lives". Today, the Youth Community meets periodically at regional level, but also through national groups, to pool their ideas, experiences and actions for the follow-up of this Commitment. To join the community, click here.

situation analysis